Free Live Webinar 


Build Strong, Steady Energy and Resilience to Stress Naturally - A Workshop for Women

Learn how to strengthen your vitality, feel less stressed, and create the body and life you want (naturally!) using the wisdom of Ayurveda and Somatic Experiencing. 


Here’s some of what you’ll learn during the webinar:

The most important practices for building vitality and stress-resistance naturally

How to wind down out of chronic stress response so you can open yourself up to more joy, presence and pleasure

Why learning your unique Ayurvedic mind-body constitution is crucial to your healing

How to assess your level of vitality

The most essential Ayurvedic principles for healing your body naturally


“Courtney quickly helped me find simple solutions to complex problems I was experiencing. Her incredible knowledge and support has helped me feel more in control of my health and more comfortable in my mind and body, increasingly bringing more freedom into my life. [This program] quickly surpassed my expectations and has truly been life changing.”

- Jeanne


If any of the following sound like you, please join me…

“I feel exhausted most of the time and I don’t know how to have steady, consistent stamina and energy.”

In Ayurveda we have a really clear understanding of vital energy and how to build and sustain it through diet, lifestyle and nervous system regulation.   

“I’m afraid if I stop moving, everything will fall apart. I want to relax and rest, but it’s almost like my body doesn’t know how. And when I have a moment to slow down, I just collapse.”

There’s a reason your nervous system is moving through these phases. Learning the signposts of nervous system dysregulation is crucial to having strong energy and resilience to stress. 

“I’m afraid if I stop moving, everything will fall apart. I want to relax and rest, but it’s almost like my body doesn’t know how. And when I have a moment to slow down, I just collapse.”

There’s a reason your nervous system is moving through these phases. Learning the signposts of nervous system dysregulation is crucial to having strong energy and resilience to stress. 

“I have symptoms but I don’t know what to do about them. I don’t understand what my body’s trying to communicate to me or what to do to make them better.”

You are unique. Your physiology is a reflection of Nature. The key to building vitality and resilience to stress lies in understanding your specific Ayurvedic mind-body constitution and how your body can flow with the rhythms of Nature rather than against them. 

“I’ve tried so many diets and supplements to try to make myself feel better. None of them work as well as I’d like, and I’m not even sure if they’re right for me.”

By learning to live in flow with Nature’s rhythms and nourish your unique Ayurvedic mind-body constitution through habits, nutrition and more, you’ll understand what’s right for you (and why!). You’ll simplify your healing and stop wasting time, money and resources on things that aren’t right for you.

“I’ve tried so many diets and supplements to try to make myself feel better. None of them work as well as I’d like, and I’m not even sure if they’re right for me.”

By learning to live in flow with Nature’s rhythms and nourish your unique Ayurvedic mind-body constitution through habits, nutrition and more, you’ll understand what’s right for you (and why!). You’ll simplify your healing and stop wasting time, money and resources on things that aren’t right for you.

“I want to feel more present and joyful in my life, but I mostly just feel stressed.”

When your body’s running on stress, pleasure and joy can actually feel like a threat. Building capacity in the nervous system to handle stress also means you build greater capacity for pleasure, joy, connection, intimacy and fun. 

Beyond Burnout: Build Strong, Steady Energy and Resilience to Stress Naturally - A Workshop for Women



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[teaching you how to build vitality and resilience to stress naturally…]

Teaching this is so near and dear to my heart…because I was once that burned-out, overwhelmed woman dealing with chronic fatigue, anxiety, depression, digestive issues and more. 

When I went through my chronic fatigue health crisis over 20 years ago, I didn’t realize it would be one of the greatest blessings of my life (even though it absolutely DID NOT feel like it at the time). It introduced me to the path for understanding the language my body was speaking through symptoms, and how to understand its unique needs…with the wisdom of Ayurveda. 

Through that experience I learned one of the most life-changing lessons I’ve ever learned: the human body and mind have an absolutely incredible power to heal itself. 

I’ve witnessed patients heal fatigue, anxiety and depression. 

I’ve supported mamas to move from total overwhelm to thriving in body, motherhood and career.

I’ve had so many clients struggle with weight all their lives and then drop 20, 30, 40 lbs just with very simple lifestyle and nutrition changes.

I’ve had patients no longer need back surgeries or hysterectomies.

I’ve had patients get off blood pressure and anxiety medications.

I’ve had clients find new partners, experience more intimacy and leave relationships that were no longer working.

This is what can happen when we live in alignment with Nature and understand how to nourish our unique needs.

I understand…when you already feel overloaded, taking one more step can feel like too much. But there will never be a “perfect” time to finally invest in feeling better. But there are costs to waiting. And the beauty of this work is it opens up so much more time and space because a regulated and vital body and mind can simply handle more and can rest.

What keeps you healthy is simple. When you’re doing the right practices that have the deepest impact, maintaining your health won’t feel so hard. I’ll be sharing some of the most important knowledge from my last 15 years of practice with you in this webinar. Choose the time that works best for you here. 

Can’t wait to see you there!
