Disclaimer: This quiz is for informational purposes only and is not intended to diagnose, treat, or replace professional medical advice. It is important to consult with a qualified healthcare provider for any health concerns or conditions. Please use this quiz as a tool for self-reflection rather than a substitute for medical consultation.

Hi. I’m Courtney.

It’s my mission to teach women how to reclaim their innate vitality, power and radiance with Ayurveda and Somatic Experiencing.

When I was in my late 20s I collapsed in a bout of chronic fatigue. I looked everywhere for answers - allopathic and holistic medicine. I experienced plenty of, “Your bloodwork is fine,” and “You’re probably just depressed.” But my instincts told me otherwise.

Different holistic practitioners helped me feel a little better. But they couldn’t give me a clear picture of what was happening to me, or how I could support myself outside of our sessions, in my day-to-day life.

Then in 2006 I had my very first consultation with an Ayurvedic Practitioner and my life changed. “All of your symptoms are connected and make total sense in Ayurveda. You have low ojas,” she said. Someone was finally explaining why I felt so awful and showing me what I could do to heal myself.

I healed my body with Ayurveda and then went on to become an Ayurvedic Practitioner so I could share this wisdom with the world.

I’ve designed this quiz as a very first step in helping women reclaim their vitality, stop running on stress, and start living from more sustainable Source energy. 

I’m SO glad you’re here!

What is ojas?

This quiz is designed to assess your ojas. Ojas is a term from Ayurvedic Medicine that describes your vital energy, stability, stamina, immunity and more.

Think of a lightbulb. Inside the lightbulb we have the electrical current and the light. This is the energy. But the glass is what contains that energy. Ojas is like the glass, holding together the integrity of the whole system. 

Your body and mind are like that lightbulb. When you’re stressed, doing too much, not nourishing yourself well, have unresolved trauma or nervous system dysregulation, that container (ojas) can weaken or shatter. Your physiology loses its integrity. It becomes harder to maintain physical and emotional stability and energy. You can become depleted and susceptible to disease. 

When you have strong ojas, you have strong vital energy, immunity, stamina, stability in your mind and emotions, a positive attitude, and radiance!

This quiz is not a judgment, it’s a starting point. Depletion and low ojas has become so normalized in our culture. The more we normalize it, the less likely we are to take action to heal it. I want you to be informed. So many women are going through life not realizing how much power they have in their hands. 

If your result comes up “low ojas,” this is just your current state. You don’t have to feel this way forever. You can build stronger ojas. You can improve your immunity and vitality!

I’ve included some next steps so you can start tapping into the abundant vitality and radiance that already exist within you. 


Ayus = life

Veda = wisdom

Ayurveda - a sister-science of yoga - is a 4000-year-old practice rooted in ancient India. This is the practice of how to cultivate your life force - your vitality - so you can be more ALIVE in your body and life. 

Thousands of years ago, before modern technology, humans lived in symbiotic relationship with nature. Ayurveda is this ancestral wisdom of how to support our body, mind and spirit through living in rhythm with Nature. 

The basic principles are:

  • You can heal the root cause of your health challenges
  • You have a unique mind-body constitution
  • The body, mind and spirit are all connected
  • Your physiology is a reflection of nature

Ayurveda empowers you to understand the language your body speaks to you through sensations, emotions and symptoms. You can learn the unique needs of your mind-body constitution and what to do every day to keep yourself healthy and balanced.