Learn the most essential and effective practices to help you prioritize yourself, heal the root cause of your health issues, and live more easefully.

The modern woman, particularly the modern mother, is struggling under the weight of her responsibilities…and health statistics prove the impact of this. Chronic stress and overwhelm are not how we’re meant to live, and are not without consequence.

The truth is, your life may be modern, but your body is designed by Nature. Your life may be modern, but your body needs ancient wisdom to thrive.

You can create a deeply nourishing life, born from your values and desires. But it’s difficult to do this if you’re running on stress, don’t know your body’s specific needs, and can’t give that to yourself consistently.

I’d like to show you how you can access more time, space and vitality while managing all of your responsibilities with more ease.


Here’s some of what you’ll learn during this free webinar:

The essentials for making self-care sustainable

What practices are most effective for healing your body and cultivating energy

How to build more capacity in your nervous system to handle stress

How to simplify your healing practices

How to understand what your body and mind specifically need to feel nourished

How to open up more time and space

How to find more ease and pleasure in your body and life



If any of the following sound like you, please join me...

“I've tried so many healthy habits, but life gets busy and I stop doing them."

There are some key ingredients in sustainable self-care. Willpower doesn’t work! Modern culture has a lot of pathology that can pull us away from the practices that support our healing. Sustainable self-care requires specific but simple methods to stay grounded in your practices.

“I’m doing a lot of healthy things in my life but I still don’t feel great.”

Learning healthy habits isn’t enough. Ayurvedic habits support your natural circadian rhythm. By living in more of a flow state, your body moves out of a stress response. You feel more grounded, stable and well-rested. You build a greater capacity to handle stress. You also feel less overwhelmed, which helps to open up more time, space and energy. You heal your symptoms by addressing the root cause of your health issues, which diet or supplements or exercise alone typically won’t do. 

“I’m afraid if I stop moving, everything will fall apart. I want to relax and rest, but it’s almost like my body doesn’t know how. And when I have a moment to slow down, I just collapse.”

There’s a reason your nervous system is moving through these phases. Learning the signposts of nervous system dysregulation is crucial to having strong energy and resilience to stress. 

“I'm a mom. Even if I want to support myself, everyone else's needs seem to override mine."

You are not alone in this, Mama. There will be times where we need to override our needs for the sake of others. But here’s a beautiful truth: when you find a sustainable way to take care of your own needs, you are impacting your family in profound and positive ways. Your physical and emotional nourishment, health and happiness is one of the greatest factors influencing your children’s health, happiness and success. Also, by learning the essentials of Ayurveda, you’ll also learn how to nourish and support your family to thrive. 

“I'd love to take care of myself but I just don't have time."

When our nervous system is in a chronic state of stress response, our worldview narrows. Our time, energy and space feel limited. When you learn how to support yourself and regulate your nervous system, you will have greater capacity to handle what’s on your plate. You’ll also be able to set firm boundaries with the things that don’t actually feed your deeper desires. 

“I’ve tried so many diets and supplements to try to make myself feel better. None of them work as well as I’d like, and I’m not even sure if they’re right for me.”

By learning to live in flow with Nature’s rhythms and nourish your unique Ayurvedic mind-body constitution through habits, nutrition and more, you’ll understand what’s right for you (and why!). You’ll simplify your healing and stop wasting time, money and resources on things that aren’t right for you.

“[Before working with Courtney] I was going to therapy and exercising but I was missing crucial elements of understanding the body, nervous system etc. to realize the change I wanted. I didn't know what I didn't know. “

- Anonymous

"This morning I cleaned out my family's medicine drawer and found 10 different medications and prescriptions that we no longer need to use. It's amazing that [in the past year since I started working with Courtney]...I didn't need to take the amoxicillin, iron supplements, estrogen or allergy pills. Within a year my eczema and allergies are gone. And I feel great. Sometimes I feel regret because I wish I had known about your course sooner." 

- Jeanne

“Plainly put, [working with Courtney was] amazing! Courtney's approach is pragmatic. There is no effort for perfectionism nor rigidity. It’s about the application and practice of making tiny changes (in whatever way one can) that over time results in BIG, POSITIVE changes. Her process is based in theory and knowledge that gives the program legitimacy, she knows what she is talking about! She is also extremely caring and compassionate. She is doing this because she cares deeply and KNOWS that this approach works. Now that I have lived it for two years I believe it. It works! I apply this approach to my daily life too and my life is so much easier.” 

- Anonymous

“I think about my life differently than I did before.  The pain in both my physical & mental body has significantly diminished, which has allowed me the space to focus on other, much more fun things.” 

- Debbie


Ayurveda for More Energy, Less Stress and an Easier Way to Live 



MONDAY, AUGUST  26, 2024

6:00PM ET


6:00PM ET




[teaching you how to prioritize you too…]

I’ve never had a client come to my practice who hadn’t already tried a few healthy habits. Most have tried a lot, but still struggle to feel great or stick with them. 

Most of my clients are busy, stressed and have a deep desire to feel good, live well and love well. They know so much, but they just can’t get themselves to where they want to be. 

There’s an art to healing. It’s not just about doing the healthy habits and checking them off a list. The hormonally female body is not linear. Your body is deeply rhythmic. It’s designed to flow with the cycles of nature - circadian daily rhythms, monthly menstrual cycle, seasonal changes, and times of life like menarche and menopause. You can thrive when your lifestyle is in rhythm with nature’s rhythms. But when you live out of alignment with this, it creates stress, overwhelm and dis-ease. 

The practices I teach help you understand the language your body speaks and about your unique needs. They teach you how to live in flow. That flow has momentum that anchors you and draws you back in when you get thrown off. That rhythm is your true nature.  

I’m a mom and an entrepreneur. I had a major chronic fatigue health crisis in my late 20s and healed with Ayurveda. The reason why I can teach what I teach is because I live it. And after 15 years of working with women, I see how women’s health, lives, work and relationships have been revolutionized by learning to consistently honor their own needs, even in the simplest ways. 

I’d love to help you tap into the healing wisdom that already lives within you, that will guide you and sustain you for a lifetime. 

What keeps you healthy is simple. When you’re doing the right practices that have the deepest impact, maintaining your health won’t feel so hard. I’ll be sharing some of the most important knowledge from my last 15 years of practice with you in this workshop. Choose the time that works best for you here. 


Can’t wait to see you there!
