Ayurvedic and Somatic Healing for Women of All Ages

Understand the root cause of hormone imbalance, the impact of stress and how you have the power to support healthy hormones naturally, every day.


Here’s some of what you’ll learn during the webinar:

During this workshop, we'll cover:

The physical, emotional and spiritual root causes of hormonal imbalance

How and why hormonal health is the foundation of women's overall health

How stress impacts hormonal balance

The most important practices for balancing hormones and building vitality and stress-resistance naturally

How to wind down out of chronic stress response so you can open yourself up to more joy, presence and pleasure



If any of the following sound like you, please join me…

“I have a history of being chronically stressed. I know it affects my hormones but I don’t know how or what to do about it.”

The most important ways to support hormonal health are diet, lifestyle, stress management and nervous system regulation. There are simple, streamlined ways to do this, which you’ll learn about in this workshop.  

“I’m doing a lot of healthy things in my life but I still don’t feel great.”

With Ayurveda and Somatic Experiencing you learn to see your body and health through a whole new paradigm. You learn why imbalances are occurring and how to heal the root cause of those imbalances.

“I’m afraid if I stop moving, everything will fall apart. I want to relax and rest, but it’s almost like my body doesn’t know how. And when I have a moment to slow down, I just collapse.”

There’s a reason your nervous system is moving through these phases. Learning the signposts of nervous system dysregulation is crucial to having strong energy and resilience to stress. 

“I want to heal my hormones naturally with diet and lifestyle, but there’s so much info out there, I don’t know what’s best.”

There’s so much information out there about healing naturally, but it’s not all created equal. Even practices that seem healthy can just be brushing the surface or putting a bandaid on symptoms. Through this workshop you’ll learn how to streamline your healing with the most essential and impactful practices.

“Peri/menopause is rocking my world. I don’t know how to move through it without suffering”

Menopause is one of the most powerful rites of passage into the depth of her power that a woman can experience, and should be treated as such. But when you go into menopause depleted or imbalanced, the natural hormonal change will reveal how you’ve been living out of alignment. Healing hormonal imbalance requires looking at much more than just the physical symptoms - it can be a spiritual reckoning calling you to live more in rhythm with a truer, more beautiful and powerful you.

“I’ve tried so many diets and supplements to try to make myself feel better. None of them work as well as I’d like, and I’m not even sure if they’re right for me.”

By learning to live in flow with Nature’s rhythms and nourish your unique Ayurvedic mind-body constitution through habits, nutrition and more, you’ll understand what’s right for you (and why!). You’ll simplify your healing and stop wasting time, money and resources on things that aren’t right for you.

“I feel like I’m at the mercy of my hormones every month.”

As women, we’re designed to be deeply rhythmic. Once you understand how to support hormone balance naturally, you can pacify the symptoms that cause suffering while also honoring the rhythmic nature of your female body.

"Before working with Courtney, I was going to therapy and exercising but I was missing crucial elements of understanding the body, nervous system etc. to realize the change I wanted. I didn't know what I didn't know. “

- Anonymous

"This morning I cleaned out my family's medicine drawer and found 10 different medications and prescriptions that we no longer need to use. It's amazing that [in the past year since I started working with Courtney]...I didn't need to take the amoxicillin, iron supplements, estrogen or allergy pills. Within a year my eczema and allergies are gone. And I feel great. Sometimes I feel regret because I wish I had known about your course sooner."

- Jeanne

“Working with Courtney was amazing! Courtney's approach is pragmatic. There is no effort for perfectionism nor rigidity. It’s about the application and practice of making tiny changes that over time results in BIG, POSITIVE changes. Her process is based in theory and knowledge that gives the program legitimacy, she knows what she is talking about! She is also extremely caring and compassionate. She is doing this because she cares deeply and KNOWS that this approach works.”

- Anonymous

“I think about my life differently than I did before. The pain in both my physical & mental body has significantly diminished, which has allowed me the space to focus on other, much more fun things.” 

- Debbie


Ayurvedic + Somatic Healing for Women of All Ages



MONDAY, MAY 20, 2024

6:00PM ET


6:00PM ET




[teaching you how to support hormone balance naturally…]

When I learned about hormones through the lens of eastern medicine years ago, it revolutionized my personal and professional practice. The patterns in the vast majority of my female patients made sense in a way they never had before. Understanding hormones this way - how stress impacts them, and how we have the power to create more balance every day - is clear, simple and empowering. And I would love to share this powerful yet practical wisdom with you. 

The modern woman is facing a stress epidemic and it impacts every level of her being and every aspect of her life. And, yes, balancing hormones is about the body, but it’s about so much more than that. 

It’s about nervous system regulation. 

It’s about your ability to rest, rejuvenate and take space (and the value you place on that). 

It’s about the value (or lack of) we collectively place on the feminine and reclaiming it. 

It’s about the pathology of modern culture that women carry in their bodies and believe to be solely their own. 

It’s about embodiment and learning how to read and honor the signals your body is sending you. 

And it’s about physical and emotional nourishment. 

I understand…when you already feel overloaded, taking one more step can feel like too much. But there will never be a “perfect” time to finally invest in feeling better. But there are costs to waiting. And the beauty of this work is it opens up so much more time and space because a regulated and vital body and mind can simply handle more and can rest. 

What keeps you healthy is simple. When you’re doing the right practices that have the deepest impact, maintaining your health won’t feel so hard. I’ll be sharing some of the most important knowledge from my last 15 years of practice with you in this webinar. Choose the time that works best for you here. 

Can’t wait to see you there!
