By far, the #1 question I’m asked is, “What should I be eating?” Food is such a loaded topic. But it’s such an important question because the root cause of the vast majority of women’s health issues is not enough physical and emotional nourishment.

In working with women, I've noticed clear emotions around food: confusion, resentment, love-hate. But I felt that at the root of it there was something even deeper: grief. The grief comes from our lost connection to nature, and with it, our intuitive connection to what we should be eating.

I would love to help you heal your digestion and relationship to food, so you start eating more intuitively and less from a place of restriction and frustration.

Our supermarkets are full of food shipped from other climates, which disconnects us from seasonal eating.

Nourishment has become an afterthought…something we HAVE to do, but we don’t really have the time or know-how to do it well.

Here’s the piece, Mother Nature is always trying to nourish you. And when you’re disconnected from that Source because you are out of rhythm, food and nourishment can become a source of confusion, overwhelm, disconnect, and frustration. It’s a challenge to heal your relationship to food before you bring that to consciousness first.

It’s not about one size-fits-all dieting and doing it perfectly. It’s about learning how, when and what to eat so you understand the signals your body sends you when it tells you what it needs. You learn rhythmic eating. You feel connected to what nourishes you.

Your body is a reflection of nature. You access abundant health and vitality when you live in rhythm with nature. These guidelines are offered to help you feel into that rhythm. Once you tap into that, your body will lead the way.



In my Seasonal Eating Guide, I’ll help you understand WHY certain foods are recommended. And I want to avoid this being just one more list of things someone told you to eat or do...but you’re not really sure why. My hope is you’ll gain a better understanding of your body and its needs, as well as the energetics of the foods you eat.


In my Seasonal Eating Guide + Shopping Lists you’ll receive:  


  • An “Intro to Ayurveda” and how to support your health with it
  • What foods to favor each season
  • What foods to reduce or avoid each season
  • Signs of imbalance that tend to arise during each season
  • A detailed shopping list for each season, including veggies, fruits, fats, animal proteins/fats, beans, grains, spices, sweeteners and other supportive foods
  • An understanding of the seasons and their energetics 
  • Why seasonal eating is so important
  • How we support balance in our body and mind through the seasons with the foods we eat

If you’re ready to access the profound healing power of your body and mind, download my free “Seasonal Eating Guide + Shopping Lists” for free.


© 2024 Courtney LaCava